About Pilates

Pilates is a great way to improve posture, reduce back pain and increase wellbeing

Join a Pilates Class in Drakes Broughton, Pershore, Twyning, Upton upon Severn or Kempsey.

It may look simple, but there is a lot of precision and control involved. Each class begins by mobilising your joints and learning the correct Pilates alignment, we then progress to strength building before we stretch and relax the mind and body.

Pilates focuses on core strength, but you will use all of your body and see improvement in arm and leg shaping too. After just five sessions you will feel stronger, have improved posture and a better sense of well-being.

It really is suitable for everyone; and exercises have adaptations throughout so you can go at your own pace. If you have any specific medical conditions, you can let the instructor know and moves can be tailored for you. It’s also great if you’ve had an injury like back or knees as you will strengthen your muscles to support your joints. Always check with your doctor if you are concerned.

Find out about what to expect from your first class.

‘Hi, I’m Rachel’

After 25 years of working in colleges and universities, I was feeling exhausted and worn out after the pandemic. The long hours, back-to-back meetings and high stress took a heavy toll on my mental health.

I decided to take a break, gave up my job, bought a campervan and set off on a 3,000 mile journey with my dog Edmund. The trip was an incredible experience. It taught me how to find joy in the simple things, how to overcome problems, and how, even in my 50s, I could take on new challenges.

When I returned, I decided to turn my passion into my life, I trained to become a Pilates Instructor. I wanted people to experience that feeling of stepping away from the world, and dedicating some time for themselves, like I had on my journey. I also knew I wanted to start developing Retreats where there was more time to focus on the mind and body connection and where new experiences and memories could be made.

I’ve helped dozens of people improve their mobility, alignment and strength already. I could never have found a more satisfying job.

I am qualified to Level 3 in Mat Pilates, awarded by Active IQ and I am insured through FitPro.

Angel number 101 is a message to embrace change and be open to new experiences. It signifies that growth and progress often come through stepping outside of your comfort zone. By embracing change and being willing to explore new avenues, you can discover hidden opportunities and unlock your full potential.

Why 101?