
  • Fiona

    I’ve always enjoyed exercise but a hectic lifestyle has meant I was out of practice. I joined Rachel’s class on the recommendation of a friend and have never looked back. Every class is fun and hard work at the same time with lots of options offered depending on our level. Rachel also offers a variety of positions for people who might struggle on knees or face down so that everyone gets a great workout. Highly recommend 101 Pilates.

  • Martin

    I was unsure if Pilates was for me but I enjoy and benefit from the class. I find I get absorbed in the class and think of very little else whilst focusing on getting the exercise right. I have noticed a difference in a long standing issue with my ham string/glute where it was painful to sit still for more than 45mins. This was a problem driving, on flights and riding a motorbike. Since doing the classes this has greatly improved and I was able to sit comfortably recently on a four hour flight and long distance drives.

  • Jackie

    I’d been struggling with back pain and tight shoulders for a while despite doing lots of other exercise and was told that Pilates might help. I can’t believe the difference in just a few weeks. I feel stronger and my posture has really improved. Classes are fun and relaxed and Rachel makes us all feel at ease whatever our level.

  • "I feel stronger and more toned. In fact, since starting in January I have lost an inch off each limb, an inch off my hips and 2 inches off my waist. Must be down to Pilates."

  • "Pilates has improved my outlook on keeping fit and I feel much stronger; this in turn has inspired me to do more walking and horse riding. Whereas before joining 101 Pilates I thought I was 'past it '. Not anymore! Thank you Rachel."

  • " My weekly Pilates class has given me more awareness of my posture & the different muscle groups, which in turn is having a positive effect on my previous back problem. I am really enjoying feeling so much stronger & this is also complimenting both my yoga & running. I always look forward to the class each week! "

  • " I really enjoy sessions and look forward to them. I really do feel more aware of my posture and general well-being. I know it is working because I can feel it for two days afterwards! "

  • " Pilates challenges me whilst still being kind to my body. I have definitely noticed positive changes in the way I look and feel. Rachel's teaching style is great- very clear and easy to follow. "

  • "I am so enjoying Pilates, each time I attend one of your classes I feel so much more supple and more aware of my posture. You are clear in describing each move, you work us hard but make it fun and provide so much positivity to each member of the group."

  • "Having had a double mastectomy and radiotherapy 3 years ago, my mobility and movement have been quite severely restricted, but since starting Pilates I am moving much more freely and have less nerve pain. I am feeling so much stronger, balanced and definitely more flexible, the classes are so enjoyable and I just want to say a big thank you to Rachel xx"

  • Kirsty

    I’ve just started exercising again regularly after a break and Rachel has been encouraging and built my confidence. I feel fitter, stronger and more flexible already and look forward to my weekly class. Rachel is a great teacher. She works all the muscle groups and pushes me to improve week on week. She always takes the time to correct me when I need it so I can improve and she explains everything really clearly.

  • Emma

    I’m a walker and gym-goer and was looking to improve my flexibility. Rachel’s Pilates class is perfect. After just a few classes I can really feel the difference in my posture and my flexibility, not to mention the improvement in my core strength! Rachel gives plenty of options so you can tailor the class to your own needs and how you feel at the time. I can highly recommend her.

  • Sue

    I am enjoying doing the classes and feel relaxed but maybe slightly achy afterwards. I like it that there are different levels of movements we can do in the class depending on our individual abilities, it has helped so much with my posture already and my balance is starting to slowly improve also.