It’s never too late to improve your posture

Many of us will have picked up bad postural habits over our lifetime, from slouching over a desk, carrying heavy bags in one hand or wearing uncomfortable shoes; but few people realise the benefits of having the correct posture. 

Good posture has a whole host of benefits, including:

 ·         Reducing lower back and neck pain

 ·         Reducing tension headaches

 ·         Improved circulation and digestion

 ·         Improving muscle and joint function

 ·         Less wear and tear on your joints and spine

 ·         More energy and confidence


But what is good posture and how to you get it? 

Good posture is all about alignment. Your weight should be evenly distributed on your feet or sit bones if you are sitting and your shoulders should be back and down. Your stomach should be pulled in and your head level with your sternum lifted. It sounds like a lot to remember but the more you practice, the more it will become second nature. 

When you see someone with good posture, they look elegant and confident, they look like they mean business and they probably feel amazing too. However, when you see someone with poor posture, they appear less confident and like they are trying to disappear. What’s more, the slouching is restricting their vital organs from working properly and putting stress on their intervertebral discs, facet joints, ligaments, and muscles. Ouch.

You’ll be pleased to know that anyone can improve their posture at any age and as an added bonus your muscles will get stronger and your outlook on life could improve too.

Pilates focusses on your posture, alignment and core strength while building long lean muscle. It won’t happen overnight but with a bit of work you will soon see and feel the benefits.


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